Monday, January 14, 2008

Cultural Globalization

“I” represents the India of 21st century- an India, of huge potential, giant economy and numerous opportunities. In other words we are the superpower in making. It is a notion which world shares today.
In my culture sex was considered very personal. Premarital sexual relationships were taken as illicit. Character of an individual was determined by his dressing- exposing the limbs were considered obscene. Only indecent people were authorized to talk about sex. Eve teasing, molestation and rape were rarely heard terms.
Now, sex remains no more personal. Premarital sexual relationships are a matter of prestige. Body covered of clothes is a measure of primitiveness and modernity is defined by the length and opacity of the cloths one puts on. So called cultured section of our society loves to talk about sex. Eve teasing, molestation and rape are quite familiar terms.
Well, it seems to be a question which can not be answered in one sentence. However, there is a need of an answer. Evidently, it looks a consequence of globalization. We are exposed to the different cultures of the world. We have a lot of prejudices about these cultures but we don’t have knowledge of the character of these cultures. When we think of the western society, there is a general perception among our population that they sexually open. When people from these societies travel our territory they confront the problems.
Perhaps, we are moving ahead of our time. We were not ready to adopt this intermix of culture. Our civilization must have given some more time to mature. We skipped some of the steps of our ladder to modernity.
It would not be appropriate for us to consider ourselves at par with the west. We have our own limitations. Our way of living is different altogether. We should think of innovations in this system, instead of pursuing the west. We have to abide by the rule of nature which says “evolution takes its own time.” Let “I” Flourish naturally.

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