Wednesday, April 23, 2008


………..And another family was denied the right to life. This time the proud assailant was none other than the only son of the deceased family.

Apparent question that can knock your mind is “What’s new in that?”

So let me tell you, Nitin- the assailant- was not the genuine Verma, as the family used to be called. He was rather a proud habitat of an orphanage since the demised Verma family brought him to their place to fill the void in their own life. They showered on him everything they could. Like every other proud parents he was given the best of education, job and eventually facilitated with his so called love marriage.

At last the night came when the Verma’s breathed their last along with their daughter-in-law (of course Nitin’s wife).They were nabbed to death allegedly by their own son. You would ask what the reason is?

Whatever the reason might be it can not justify a murder and above all it requires a big heart to snatch the life of those who are there to protect you.

My intentions to cite this story is surely not to unfold a mystery or sensationalize the horrendous incident that took place in New Delhi. But it is to drag your kind attention to the bigger issue of adoption.

If I say these incidents do not alter the decision to adopt an innocent life, then I might be telling a lie. There are a few Sushmitas, Madonas, Branglinas and Jacksons who dare to adopt. The few who plans in the same line could revise their course in the wake of such dreadful actions.

This is certainly not good news for India as we have a lot of kids who are looking for a house and vice-versa. Unfortunately “KARNA”-a character of the epic Mahabharta who was proud to be called with the surname of his foster parents- no more find any follower.

For me no authority in this universe can guarantee to prevent such examples of brutality. Only conscience can be the solution. What does your conscience say? Do write to me……

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