“Liquor is a bad thing to use. It is not a great thing to endorse as well.” These are the words frequently preached by our elders in India.
I take these arguments because there was logic to support it. I accepted the logic of its ill effects regarding health and social conduct. Health concerns and my social image kept me un-introduced to alcohol and cigarette for a period of twenty five years of my life. I never tasted an alcoholic drink and any source of smoke in this substantial part of my life despite of the fact that I was away from my parents putting alone at a very young age of 14. I spent almost 12 years out of my parents’ sight. There was nobody to keep vigilance on my activities. The pocket could have easily afforded the expenses.
Frankly I was not aware of any law that prohibits us using alcohol within a certain age limit. If I still could stay clear of these addictions it was due to the health concerns, family values and my social portrait not any regulation.
The term regulation has turned out to be a challenge here in India. Whatever happens we are on the foot to curse rules and regulations. “Regulations should be stringent. New laws should be framed. The laws are not being enforced effectively.” These quotes are very frequent among the people whenever social values are challenged.
Can laws and restrictions settle the social issues exclusively? I am afraid, these can’t. It can be attributed to the simple reason of fundamental human nature. Human being is a born rebellion. Whenever there were efforts to restrict a community or an individual to certain limits, there was a revolt.
The recent incidents in the capital city of India indicate that the lawmakers do not want to accept the realm. There was a debate in the Delhi legislative assembly regarding the minimum age to consume alcoholic drinks. There was a big hue and cry inside and outside the house. Ultimately the existing status of the tax and excise act was kept in tact by maintaining the minimum age to qualify for a peg at the level of 25. These laws are continuously breached deliberately or due to ignorance. There fore such regulations are frivolous.
Similar reactions outraged on the suggestions given by union health minister Ambumani Ramadoss to Amitabh Bachan and Shahrukh Khan regarding on screen drinking and smoking.
Public health is, no doubt, of primary concern but these are definitely not going to tackle the issue. If average drinking age in India is growing young, If India is the biggest producer of liquor in Asia and if the consumption and smuggling of narcotic drugs in India is at its high, it can not be attributed to the effect of movies only. It could be a factor but very-very small.
Transformation is the universal doctrine of nature. Therefore society should also adopt the transformation but it should not be created by force. It should come itself.
After a long duration of oppression Indian society started its new life 60 years ago. This is a very small period of time for a society to change. Let the time play its game. There will be a time when society would be mature enough to eradicate the evils of its own
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Another Power Cut! Oh Not Again!
"Money makes the mere go." It may sound a bit old but is universally true. A huge population in India is still living in dark. Tribal and rural areas of different states don't have the necessary infrastructure. Those parts of the country where the infrastructure is in place are struggling for the power supply. The places where power supply is available for 5-6 hours a day must consider themselves lucky.
This crunch in power is affecting the life of the common man. But it is hurting the agriculture severely. This is a matter of concern as we are already struggling to feed the billion mouths. Agricultural output is in decline as most of our irrigation in the states like Punjab, Haryana and Utter Pradesh (biggest contributors in terms of food grains) depends upon the ground water. It requires electricity to pump the water out. If the power remains absent for a major part of the day it can be easily understood how difficult it would be for an ordinary farmer who don't have the supplementary resources like generators.
This problem is not only confined to the remote places of the country. It can be felt even in the metros. Delhi does not qualify to be the capital city of India- world's biggest democracy and fifth largest economy. 4-5 hours power cut is a regular feature in Delhi. The person from the different parts of the country who comes to Delhi with different purposes suffers the most.
This is true for the ordinary citizens whereas the corridors of power glitter day and night with access of power supply. Electricity is being used as a source of decoration in the so called posh areas of the city. Hundreds of bulbs glow when shadow embraces the houses of the affluent. Scores of electronic gadgets work without any time bar. Religious and public institutions are the most extravagant in terms of electricity which is a disaster for the countries like India.
An information under rti has revealed that in the last five years Rashtrapati Bhavan has consumed elctricity of the worth 16.5 crore. The prime Minister's residence spent a sum of 3726000 Rs on the eletricity bill in the last three yeers. calculations suggests that the consumption of electricity in the Rashtrapati Bhawan in one year was sufficient to glow a toll of 12 villages with a strength of 5000.
This is just because they are in a position to pay for that and our constitution has entitled us with a right to live a better life. They are using their right and so should they. What about the moral duty to ensure the better life of the fellow citizens? Would their social status, glory and life standard come down if they abandon this showoff for even a hour or two? Is it the outer shine of a religious structure which defines the divinity or the faith on the God?
Answers of these questions are quite articulate. The only requirement is to give a sincere thought on these. Perhaps Mr. Gopal Krishan Gandhi (Governor of West Bengal) Pondered upon these questions and got the answers. To put the governor house in dark for two hours every day was a consequence of his sincere thoughts. This decision is there for political interpretations but there would be a few to deny the nobility of the idea
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Keep prices low for dog’s sake
My landlord’s dog Maggie, whom I have already introduced to you in an article earlier , is few of those who have learnt to cope with the on going worldwide trend of food crunch and rising inflation. The quantity of milk in her bowl has been reduced drastically to 100ml from the earlier 500ml a day.
The dog found it hard to come in to terms with the recession. But ultimately it seems that the worldwide chaos over the food scarcity was enough to convince her.
During a regular outing with her master last night she confronted a stray dog. Observing them minutely they looked like sharing the enigma of increasing prices of essential commodities. The other dog has recently given birth to seven puppies but ironically she had less concerns. Maggie might have asked her the mantra behind this. And the response was not difficult to imagine.
“Well, there was nobody to help me but I could sustain myself. I find no reason why they wouldn’t make it either. Anyways, who cares if some of them surrender to the anguish? We can’t influence the governance. No body can even estimate of our population, let aside the accuracy. We have nothing to do with the retail outlets or wholesale markets because we have been making our livelihood from the garbage. The terms like undernourishment and obesity are meant for the domesticated ones like you. We are out of the stigma of health and wealth.”
Back in the room Maggie looked a little disturbed as if she was a little skeptical of her future. Her eyes were on the TV screen as BBC reports the turbulence in Haity, Senagal, Zimbawe and Bangladesh due to the shortage of food supply. At the end of the report the shift in status could be seen in her eyes. She would be happy because her position is better than her master’s as she doesn’t need to fight for the bread.
So, whatever the Reserve Bank of India declares in its annual monetary policy it is of a little significance for those millions of stray dogs in the streets of India. But the ones like Maggie are looking forward to this report.
Good luck Mr. Reddy!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
………..And another family was denied the right to life. This time the proud assailant was none other than the only son of the deceased family.
Apparent question that can knock your mind is “What’s new in that?”
So let me tell you, Nitin- the assailant- was not the genuine Verma, as the family used to be called. He was rather a proud habitat of an orphanage since the demised Verma family brought him to their place to fill the void in their own life. They showered on him everything they could. Like every other proud parents he was given the best of education, job and eventually facilitated with his so called love marriage.
At last the night came when the Verma’s breathed their last along with their daughter-in-law (of course Nitin’s wife).They were nabbed to death allegedly by their own son. You would ask what the reason is?
Whatever the reason might be it can not justify a murder and above all it requires a big heart to snatch the life of those who are there to protect you.
My intentions to cite this story is surely not to unfold a mystery or sensationalize the horrendous incident that took place in New Delhi. But it is to drag your kind attention to the bigger issue of adoption.
If I say these incidents do not alter the decision to adopt an innocent life, then I might be telling a lie. There are a few Sushmitas, Madonas, Branglinas and Jacksons who dare to adopt. The few who plans in the same line could revise their course in the wake of such dreadful actions.
This is certainly not good news for India as we have a lot of kids who are looking for a house and vice-versa. Unfortunately “KARNA”-a character of the epic Mahabharta who was proud to be called with the surname of his foster parents- no more find any follower.
For me no authority in this universe can guarantee to prevent such examples of brutality. Only conscience can be the solution. What does your conscience say? Do write to me……
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Can We Reform It
These were the days when I used to serve as a science teacher in a govt. school in Himachal Pradesh. A fellow teacher was being transferred from that school. He was willing to be transferred to a school of his own choice. He wrote an official letter to then chief minister (congress) Vir Bhadra Singh. The initials of the letter read as
Raja Sahib Sh. Vir Bhadra Singh
Chief Minister
Govt. of Himachal Pradesh.”
I have no protest against writing a letter to a chief minister. My only concerns were about the language of the initials. Was it necessary to write ‘Raja Sahib’ in an official letter? Could he not have written chief minister of Himachal Pradesh only? Isn’t this a reflection of monarchism or feudalism dominating the democracy? These were the few questions which I need to be answered.
On probing he told me “This is how he likes to be addressed and there are a few who even don’t bother to mention chief minister.” Wasn’t this a clear case of appeasement on the teacher’s behalf and monarchial hangover on the CM’s behalf? This mentality is deep routed in the core of Indian mass.
Today when I heard Rahul Gandhi saying that there is no internal democracy in political parties in India. He also mentioned the “LAL BATTI” culture and his despair that common man is not getting a chance to join politics.
As he claims, he might have some solutions for this problem. The question is whether the solutions are realistic or not? I would like to go with the negative side. This is because we don’t have the virtue of fair play. We always take politics in terms of pulling down the other’s leg. The same idea is manifested by our political and social organizations. After the death of Nehru congress suffered a huge split in the absence of a dominating figure. The other parties could not retain there independent identity for the same reason. In nineties congress suffered a lot due to the absence of the dominance at the top. The story was no different for BJP after Bajpayee(conflict among the second row leadership). Therefore, Rahul Baba, it is not only the chief minister who likes to be addressed like that, but the teacher is equally amazed of writing these lines. You could mould the congressmen but who would mould the common man.
Pic from http//:www.msanjay.weblog.us
Monday, March 10, 2008
Redefining Love
“Where r u? I’m desperate to meet u. Pls, try to understand I can’t wait anymore. I want it now or never. Hu knows wt happens 2moro.” These were the lines flashed on my friends mobile screen. And mind you these were the midnight hours.
“What is this nonsense?” he uttered.
On probing , he confessed that this creative work was from his girlfriend.
“I wud like 2 avoid it b4 marriage. Pls control yourself”, he retaliated.
“I knew her for last five years now but she had never behaved like that” he murmured.
Sana (name changed) hails from Varanasi in Utter Pradesh, which happens to be the hometown of my friend Sumit (name changed). They have some strong emotional attachments towards each other. Now they are in Delhi. Their society does not enjoy a reputation to allow such kind of conversation especially on the part of female.
This story clearly suggests that restrictions can only make the things more complex. It is also evident that when these bonds are cleared the lava inside bursts out. Some time it can result disastrous consequences. The time has come to oppose this orthodox behavior of Indian society. We have to move faster towards the modernity( Not Obscenity). We must respect the biological needs.
The story has got another angle too. The term “love” ( which rarely happens) is being redefined by the youth. Girls are turning out to be more pragmatic in approach. This no more remains a life long pledge. They want to live it now. What is your take on that?
Pic from http//:www.bbc.uk
Friday, February 15, 2008
Let India be India
There are people who accept the superiority of American political system and recommend the same for India. A section of people proposes to adopt the western concept of education in India. Recent incident of Sania Mirza’s flag desecration case has initiated a debate on freedom of expression in India which is entitled by our constitution as a fundamental right.
Whenever we confronts any flaw in our system we waste no time to admire the American or western system. This time it was no difference.
A reputed English Daily published a four column story on the same issue. It described comprehensively why Sania won’t be hounded in the US for insulting national flag. It mentioned that in America to burn its national flag is not an offence. To protest against the state policies people are free to ruin the emblem. This was attributed to the absolute nature of freedom of expression in US. The story says Indian version of freedom of expression is not absolute. The story ends saying “Clearly, India has a long way to go before it can catch up with the US on this civilisation issue.”
Now the million dollar question is can India afford to catch the US on this issue? My answer is negative. We are culturally and linguistically diverse country. These national emblems imposed by the constitution are the strings responsible to hold us together. We can’t let these symbols of our integrity to be insulted.
This doesn’t mean that I support the case against Sania Mirza as it seemed that it has been framed deliberately. I strongly feel that Public Interest Litigations (PIL) needs to be scanned so that dignity of an individual is maintained.
We have our own system. It may not be the best in the world but it is not the worst either. Solution is here within. It requires the eyes to locate and hands to execute. So let India be India.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Let’s ‘Live In’
Context- Recent ruling of apex court to give inheritance right for live in partner.
“Late twenty is the perfect age for getting married”, is what senior fellows used to preach. My elders did follow the same philosophy. I was also supposed to hold the same line. My parents have some plans to knot me by the end of the year. I too was getting prepared for the inevitable incident (marriage) but destiny has something else to offer.
A ruling coming out of the apex court was enough to create doubts in my minds about this social institution (i.e. marriage). The judgment has legitimized the unregistered relationship between him and her.
I put some serious thought over the consequences of the proclamation. If I can enjoy all the luxuries what a married couple do than why should I trap myself in the web of the documents? If I can avoid some expenses- which are inevitable in the shows like marriage- why shouldn’t I? Should I waste the all precious hours in a piece of act, when I know there is an alternative? Why should I appease the social setup around me to let my relationship kick off? If there is an arrangement which has a provision to quit without any complicity, why should I stick to the older format? Moreover, it would provide me the luxury of enjoying different fruits in the basket, as the condition of life long sustainability would not be there.
Unfortunately it would hurt Ekta Kapoor (sop maker), as the conflict between in-laws would vanish. It would heart the business of lawyers, as there would be a dip in registration and de-registration of the relationship. Social activists will find it difficult, as the issues of dowry and in-laws discrimination would erode.
Given all these factors let’s create a chaotic social setup where there will be no names for such relationships. Let’s scrap all those ancient philosophies and notions for the sake of modernity. Let’s break the shackles of so called morality to convert into animals, which believe in use and throw. Therefore, let’s “LIVE IN”.
Photo:http:/ www.suncenter.com
Thursday, January 17, 2008
BHARAT RATNA – and my nominee are……
Morning of 17th January- Years ago this author came into existence on the same day. The day has repeated itself once again. My landlord’s dog (she) – Maggie, was the first to wish me. Her sound made me wake up.
I turned on my television set. News flashed on the face (screen) of a news channel. It read, “The govt. is planning to scrap ‘BHARAT RATAN’ (highest civilian award in India)”. Maggie, once again opened its mouth, as if it was asking who my nominee for the prestigious award are.
The question took me into a serious thought. All political parties (even individuals) are proposing the names of their leader for this award. As the thinking process was on my eyes stuck to a news headline of English daily, which read ‘BIRD FLUE BREAK OUT IN BENGAL, CULLING OPERATION IS ON’.
The headline helped me to find my nominee for the honor. I decided to propose the CHICKENS (not headless) for the congregation. Maggie with a sigh of astonishment opened her eyes wide, as if my decision went out of her expectations.
I have some sound ground for this nomination. Look at the history of chicken as a species. It has been serving our society for a long as a source of proteins. The species has made its case strong by adding yet another social service. These are sacrificing there life so that H5N1 (virus which causes bird flu) remains out of human population.
Unfortunately they have been denied of their due. If the award is supposed to be given for the one who served the society with absolute sacrifice, then my case makes a point. Now it is up to you to decide. What do you think?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Cultural Globalization
“I” represents the India of 21st century- an India, of huge potential, giant economy and numerous opportunities. In other words we are the superpower in making. It is a notion which world shares today.
In my culture sex was considered very personal. Premarital sexual relationships were taken as illicit. Character of an individual was determined by his dressing- exposing the limbs were considered obscene. Only indecent people were authorized to talk about sex. Eve teasing, molestation and rape were rarely heard terms.
Now, sex remains no more personal. Premarital sexual relationships are a matter of prestige. Body covered of clothes is a measure of primitiveness and modernity is defined by the length and opacity of the cloths one puts on. So called cultured section of our society loves to talk about sex. Eve teasing, molestation and rape are quite familiar terms.
Well, it seems to be a question which can not be answered in one sentence. However, there is a need of an answer. Evidently, it looks a consequence of globalization. We are exposed to the different cultures of the world. We have a lot of prejudices about these cultures but we don’t have knowledge of the character of these cultures. When we think of the western society, there is a general perception among our population that they sexually open. When people from these societies travel our territory they confront the problems.
Perhaps, we are moving ahead of our time. We were not ready to adopt this intermix of culture. Our civilization must have given some more time to mature. We skipped some of the steps of our ladder to modernity.
It would not be appropriate for us to consider ourselves at par with the west. We have our own limitations. Our way of living is different altogether. We should think of innovations in this system, instead of pursuing the west. We have to abide by the rule of nature which says “evolution takes its own time.” Let “I” Flourish naturally.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dreaming Of a Dream
Finally a dream comes true. ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ would enjoy the luxury of
‘PEOPLES CAR’ (as Tata calls it). Ratan Tata –business tycoon dreamed of it and the result is ‘NANO’ as it is being named.
Environmentalists remain unhappy, as it would make the problem more severe. So called intellectuals offer opposition, as it would add to the misery of traffic congestion. Rivals remain astonished, as they did not anticipate such a project to come true. Political temperature is rising, as Singur (where the people are opposing the acquisition of land to develop SEZ) is the place where ‘mission Nano’ is planned to be executed.
Whatever the concerns may be, it is hard to question the brilliance of Ratan Tata. He is truly a visionary. To make a car for Indian middle class, who is huge in number, seems to be a great business. World’s cheapest car, as it is claimed to be, would expand its reach to the unexplored market of developing world, which is relatively poor economy. So far there is no competition for Tata’s in this segment.
It is said that the idea to make a car of this kind induced when Ratan Tata watched a family of four members traveling by a two-wheeler in rain. That family is lucky enough that they could inspire the Tata. The inspiration has lead to a solution that would solve their problem. There are families in Vidharva, Bundelkhand and Telangana, who could not inspire any Tata to devise a project that could have prevented them of their hunger or sufferings.
Will this section of population find any Tata? Do these fellows come under the definition of “PEOPLE”? Would ‘NANO’ be able to make a place in the slums of India?
If yes, it is indeed a “PEOPLES” car, but negative answer will mean that the mission is yet to be accomplished. It however provides an opportunity to me and you to be the next ‘Tata’ who can finish it successfully. Would we?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
American Presidential elections are definitely going to raise some serious debate on representation of women in power.It is noteworthy that only one female candidate could make a place as a contender to White House. Results of caucases and primeries in Iowa and New Hempshire sugests that she does not enjoy the majority among her gender.
American or western society boast of being neutral as far as gender is concerned. But the poltical history of America clearly reflects the paradox. There is only one lady who could reach to a relatively less important post of Vice- Precident. Representation of women in houses is also a matter of concern.
Asian counteries are being acused of being gender biased so far.But reality does not support this hypothesis. If we talk of India, the paradox seems to be aparent. Indira Gandhi-a woman, has ruled India for almost 15 years.Even today the first citizen happens to be a lady. At present some of the important provinces of indian republic is being riegned by women. Mayawati,Sheela Dixit and Basundhra Raje are apparently at the top of power pyramid in some of the crucial provinces.Sushma Sawaraj, Jay Lalitah, Uma Bharti And Mamta Benargy has also enjoyed the same in the past.The story doesn't end here.Every important political parties today are either headed by some women or they are important in decision making within the party.
Our neighbours are not far behind in this context. Pakistan,Bangladesh, Srilanka and Mayamar shares a history of being ruled by women.
Therefore prejudices should be kept aside.India is much open and fair as far as gender is concerned.Because our tradition to consider women as "DEVI" is still there. Therefore "DURGA" and "KALI" in India has there due place.
Asian counteries are being acused of being gender biased so far.But reality does not support this hypothesis. If we talk of India, the paradox seems to be aparent. Indira Gandhi-a woman, has ruled India for almost 15 years.Even today the first citizen happens to be a lady. At present some of the important provinces of indian republic is being riegned by women. Mayawati,Sheela Dixit and Basundhra Raje are apparently at the top of power pyramid in some of the crucial provinces.Sushma Sawaraj, Jay Lalitah, Uma Bharti And Mamta Benargy has also enjoyed the same in the past.The story doesn't end here.Every important political parties today are either headed by some women or they are important in decision making within the party.
Our neighbours are not far behind in this context. Pakistan,Bangladesh, Srilanka and Mayamar shares a history of being ruled by women.
Therefore prejudices should be kept aside.India is much open and fair as far as gender is concerned.Because our tradition to consider women as "DEVI" is still there. Therefore "DURGA" and "KALI" in India has there due place.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Politics of cricket
The game of cricket has travelled a lot since it was first played.There has been a great developement in terms of structure ,size and technique. It was first played in England. Since then it has reached to more then 25 counteies-out of which 11 are test playing and 16 are authorised to play one dayers and rest are associate countries.
With the evolution the game has been in the jaws of politics.Today it has taken the worst shape. Indian board for cricket(BCCI) is an assosiation of politicians and industrialists. Internal politcs is apparent in every cricketing bodies of the world.But there is international politics also involved.
Present dispute over raciasm is the fallout of this shody politics. This has a little to do with the welfare of the game. These tactics were there in cricket in the past. But today these are becoming an issue every now and then.This can be attributed to the challange offered by Africa and Asia to the Ausie-English dominance.
Politics is a reality. We have to live with that.It is better to eccept the game in whatever shape it takes with the course of time. So let the cricket play its own politics............
With the evolution the game has been in the jaws of politics.Today it has taken the worst shape. Indian board for cricket(BCCI) is an assosiation of politicians and industrialists. Internal politcs is apparent in every cricketing bodies of the world.But there is international politics also involved.
Present dispute over raciasm is the fallout of this shody politics. This has a little to do with the welfare of the game. These tactics were there in cricket in the past. But today these are becoming an issue every now and then.This can be attributed to the challange offered by Africa and Asia to the Ausie-English dominance.
Politics is a reality. We have to live with that.It is better to eccept the game in whatever shape it takes with the course of time. So let the cricket play its own politics............
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